Imagina que ganaste un viaje alrededor del mundo Escribe al menos 10 horaciones donde hutilizes el condicional
*. I travel you china, i will the visit Great Wall of China
*. I trave you paris, i will the visit eiffel tower
*. I trave you hawai, i will the family and friend
* i travel you miami, i will the beach
*. I travel you imglaterra,i will the shopping
*. i travel you egipto, i will the pyramids
*. i travel you roma,i will the tower of pizzas
* i traver you bankber, i will ice rinck
+ i travel you venecia, the wishing well
*. i travel you yucatan, i will chichen-itza
dale consejos a tus amigos para que saquen buenas calificaciones dales 5...............
*if you study for the exam, I will have good marks
usa el condisional cero.......seis oraciones....***
* if i freeze water , it turs into ice
* if i put oil into water , it floats
* if i eat wather at 1oo* , it oils
* if doesnt rain , the grass don,t grow
* If you put water in a cooler, it freezes
*If you heat ice, it melts
chavez camberos tomas tacamba 303 20/09/11