lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

this is a nice bn is a city where many tourists go and is a tourist placeall personan van for its beautiful sea and there are also hotels and everything else beautiful is also good because it is a city of many parts beautiful and is where all the people go by how nice it is thereyou can pasiar boat, boat, by jet skis, jet land, etc.. that has manyobjects that grab you have fun ..

English portfolio...

I'd like to be able to know that Tijuana is nice that it's okay but I prefer to learn more about another city that tijuana prettier than itends soon and I hope and know and I like to have very good friends who understand me and my apresie friendship I would not like to lose the friendship of any friend I hope you are good people and never betray me not because it's something I hate is something thatI really do not like. but what I like is that I ami have a good time when I go to a party and more when I go out with my friends but what I most like is that all the verdas ablaran me not because of shame willnot say what in verdas feel but do not prefer to do it for you after youashamed but the most odioes not behave and is well known bad people also really like to live with my family because it is something nice that convivas grabbing with each family and so you realize howeach is and how he behaves with you I like that the whole family to live more justara not angry about anything that is worth something tohate and not I like to see happen for any reason so that's why I likeand is what most prefer in this world we all take it away so I would also like to teminar my studies is to be someone in this life I'd like to finish my career and work life.

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

pasado simple vs pasado continuo

El past simple se utiliza para hablar de acciones completas que ya han ocurrido. Por ejemplo en el texto puede ir acompañado de when, y su forma para los verbos regulares es acabo en -ed y para los irregulares ayudate de una lista de verbos(Ej: I watched TV last night).

El past continuous se utiliza para acciones que estan ocurriendo en un momento determinado q ya ha ocurrido, su forma es sujeto + verbo (be en pasado) + el verbo acabado en -ing (Ej: I was sleeping). También has de saber que si el verbo lleva delante while siempre va a ser past continuous.

Estos son varios ejemplos en los que estan las dos formas verbales:
-He was watching(past continuous) TV when his girlfriend arrived(past simple).
-They were playing tennis when it started to

conversac ios:

taka- have you seen that new johnny depp movie?
yaja-yes i have
yaja-has she gone hong kong?
taka-no she haven
yaja-has your aunt written any more lotters?
taka-no she haven


miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

Portafolio de Inglés IV, Módulo

* What would you do and what places would visit if I ever travel to Italy?
if I were in Italy, the first thing I would do was eat pizza and Spaghetti.
outside the Roman Coliseum to take pictures, go to the source to the village of quintin etc.
good aria most important thing was to know that Venice is a dream and I take pictures, alas without leaving behind the baticano.
out shopping that is most important to me and I buy a souvenir to the teacher and I pasiara on boats.
Aryan was the last thing to stay at the hotel for things that munchas Are conoser in Italy.
and Cortina d'hultimo out ampazzo and amused me muncho.
experiensia that would be a very big if you can take advantage and I marry.

- lo hice solo por que nadien se akomidio!!!!
echo por tomas tacamba chavez camberos

and that's chat about diferiencias hai mexico and italy
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ten sentences where the grammatical structures used in class view, these sentences should relate cause and effect situations relating to the subject in question, for example: If I go to Italy, I'll visit Venice.
* if I go to Italy, I will visit the most important tower of pizza
* if I go to Italy, I will visit the famous Roman coliseum
* if I go to Italy, visit baticno
if I were to Italy, I will visited parts munchas
* if I were to Italy, I visited Venice
* if I were to Italy, I visited all I can on the day
*if I were to Italy, I will visited the botanical garden
*if I were to Italy, I will visited the mall
*if I were to Italy, I  will go shopping
*if I were to Italy,i will visit what is villa quintin

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

tacamba ingles 3

1.- En equipos de 3 (tres) personas, redacta un cuento utilizando la estructura “used to”, así como el vocabulario visto en éste bloque. El cuento debe estar estructurado con un mínimo de 200 palabras, siendo de gran importancia la trama del mísmo.

Pedro is a very sleepy child goes from dream to dream, one day dreamed of flying, which hera pirate USED TO planes to go through the roof.
I woke up and saw hera not how it sounded, and his mother took him to a park Humorous and was very happy with her friends and Pedro was more dreamy than ever.
And at school told him about his maetra that dreams can come true for that erl Tosos hisieron you actually wanted the dreamed of and could
moral: that assertiveness is that we want and succeed atm: chavez tacamba take Camberos


1.- En parejas, redacta un texto narrativo acerca de las experiencias que tuvieron lugar en alguna festividad de tu comunidad a la que hayas asistido, utilizando la estructura del pasado progresivo y el pasado simple, así como los pronombres relativos when and while, sin dejar de lado los marcadores narrativos. Deberá ser un festival o evento y narraran el papel que tanto hombres como mujeres desempeñan en el. La narración debe tener media cuartilla de extensión como mínimo.

when I was 12, my aunt invited me to cancun pink, of course I said yes, while I talked with my mom my aunt I talk to my dad and Convensia, and told me and my cousin daniel promo claudia and estava very felis that wounded cancun, as I stood as though it was gonna be cancun were looking for in pis.
the big day arrived December 13. we went to london and grabbed the plane and before 11 pm estava in Cancun. when I Rhodesia and anger to be the mentioned cancun while watching my cousins ​​I had a scream.
we lasted 8
  days in the great mayan cancun a dream green box that buttonhole happen again because it was my best trip of my life but missed my papaes and brothers.
while here in sani. Heran the 12 nurse were the 1.

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

portafolio de ingles

Imagina que ganaste un viaje alrededor del mundo                                                                                                                           Escribe al menos 10 horaciones donde hutilizes el condicional

*. I travel you china, i will the  visit Great Wall of China
*. I trave you paris, i will the visit eiffel tower
*. I trave you hawai, i will the family and friend
* i travel you miami, i will the beach
*. I travel you imglaterra,i will  the shopping
*. i travel you egipto, i will the pyramids
*. i travel you roma,i will  the tower of pizzas
* i traver you bankber, i will ice rinck
+ i travel you venecia, the wishing well
*. i travel you yucatan, i will chichen-itza

dale consejos a tus amigos para que saquen buenas calificaciones dales 5...............

*if you study for the exam, I will have good marks

usa el condisional cero.......seis oraciones....***
* if  i freeze water , it turs into ice
* if i put oil into water , it floats
* if i eat wather at 1oo* , it oils
* if doesnt rain , the grass don,t grow
* If you put water in a cooler, it freezes
*If you heat ice, it melts

chavez camberos tomas tacamba 303 20/09/11